Why Does A Boat Have Red And Green Lights?

Boats have been using red and green lights for centuries to indicate their position and direction of travel. The use of these lights is a requirement of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). This set of regulations was created to help reduce the risk of collisions between vessels on the water.

The red and green lights are used to indicate the direction a boat is traveling in. The green light is always located on the starboard (right) side of the boat, while the red light is located on the port (left) side. When viewed from another vessel, this indicates which way a boat is going. If both lights are visible, it means that the boat is moving away from you. If only one light is visible, it means that the boat is moving towards you.

The use of these lights also helps other vessels determine how large a boat is. A larger vessel will have two masthead lights in addition to its red and green navigation lights. These masthead lights are white and will be located higher up than the navigation lights. This allows other vessels to determine how large a boat is from a distance, which can help them decide if they need to take evasive action or not.

The use of red and green navigation lights has been an important part of maritime safety for centuries, and it’s still just as important today as it was back then. By following these regulations, boaters can help ensure that everyone stays safe while out on the water.

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