Does fishing line deteriorate in sunlight?

For avid anglers, fishing line is an essential part of their fishing gear. It is the lifeblood of their hobby, and without it, they won’t be able to catch their prized fish species. However, one common question that many beginner anglers ask is whether fishing line deteriorates when exposed to the sun. The simple answer is yes, but to understand why, we need to delve deeper into the science behind it.

Fishing line is made from a variety of materials, including monofilament, fluorocarbon, and braided lines. Each of these lines has its own properties that affect its performance, including its strength, stretch, and sensitivity. Some types of fishing lines are more susceptible to ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage than others. Monofilament lines, for example, are more vulnerable to UV damage than braided lines.

UV radiation damages fishing line by breaking down its polymer chains, which weaken the line over time. This process is known as photodegradation. When fishing line is exposed to sunlight, particularly for prolonged periods, the UV radiation from the sun causes the polymer chains to break apart, making it weaker and more susceptible to breakage.

Apart from the direct effects of UV radiation, other factors such as temperature and humidity are known to accelerate the deterioration of fishing line. High temperatures cause the line to soften, making it more prone to abrasions and breakage. Humidity, on the other hand, can cause the line to absorb water, which also reduces its strength.

So, does this mean that anglers should avoid fishing during daylight hours? Absolutely not. Fishing during daylight hours is when most fish species are most active, and it’s the ideal time for anglers to catch their prized fish. However, anglers can take measures to minimize the effects of UV radiation on their fishing lines.

One way to protect fishing lines is to store them in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. This helps to reduce the effects of UV radiation on the line. Another option is to use fishing lines that are specifically designed to be resistant to UV damage, such as braided lines. Braided lines have a tighter weave, which makes them less prone to UV damage than monofilament lines.

Fishing line does deteriorate in sunlight, but this should not discourage anglers from fishing during daylight hours. Instead, anglers should take extra care to protect their fishing lines from UV damage by storing them properly and using lines that are resistant to UV radiation. By doing so, anglers can ensure that their fishing lines remain strong and reliable throughout their fishing sessions, helping them to catch their prized fish species.

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