How Did Old Ships Carry Drinking Water?

In the days of sailing ships, sailors had to find ways to carry drinking water on their long voyages. The need for fresh water was a major concern for sailors, as it was essential for survival. Without access to clean drinking water, the crew would quickly become dehydrated and suffer from a variety of illnesses. Fortunately, there were several methods used by sailors to ensure they had enough drinking water on board.

The most common way that old ships carried drinking water was by collecting rainwater. Sailors would use large barrels or casks to collect rainwater from the deck of the ship and store it in the hold. This method was not always reliable, however, as it depended on the weather and could be unreliable in dry climates or during long voyages. Additionally, rainwater could be contaminated with seawater or other pollutants if not collected properly.

Another method used by old ships to carry drinking water was through desalination. This process involved boiling seawater and then condensing the steam into fresh water. This method was labor-intensive and time-consuming but provided a reliable source of fresh drinking water for sailors on long voyages.

Finally, some ships also carried barrels of freshwater that were filled before departing port. These barrels were usually filled with freshwater from rivers or lakes near port cities and then sealed tightly so that they would remain uncontaminated during the voyage. This method provided a reliable source of freshwater but could be expensive depending on how far away from port the ship had to travel in order to fill its barrels with freshwater.

Overall, old ships had several methods available for carrying drinking water on their long voyages. While these methods were not always reliable or convenient, they allowed sailors to stay hydrated and healthy during their travels at sea.

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