How Do Fish See At Night?

Fish are fascinating creatures that have adapted to living in a variety of environments, including both day and night. While many fish species are active during the day, some species are nocturnal and rely on their vision to navigate and hunt in the dark. But how do fish see at night?

The answer lies in the eyes of the fish. Fish have evolved specialized structures in their eyes that allow them to see in low light conditions. These structures include a larger pupil, which allows more light into the eye, and a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back through the retina, allowing more light to be absorbed by photoreceptors and improving vision in dimly lit environments.

In addition to these adaptations, some fish also have special visual pigments that allow them to detect different wavelengths of light. This allows them to see colors even when there is very little light available. For example, some deep-sea fish can detect red light, which is invisible to humans but is used by other deep-sea creatures for communication and navigation.

Overall, fish have evolved several adaptations that allow them to see at night. These adaptations include larger pupils, reflective layers in their eyes, and special visual pigments that allow them to detect different wavelengths of light. With these adaptations, fish can navigate and hunt even when there is very little light available.

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