How to test a fishing line?

As an avid angler, it’s crucial to find the perfect fishing line for your fishing expeditions. There are various fishing lines available in the market, and without prior knowledge, it can be perplexing to choose the right one. However, there are several ways to test your fishing line to determine its quality and durability before heading out.


1. Knot strength test: This is the most common test for checking the endurance of fishing line. To do this, tie a small knot with your fishing line, grab both ends of the knot, and pull slowly. If the knot starts to break or even shows a slight sign of wear and tear, it indicates the line’s poor quality. However, if the knot stays strong, it means that the line is durable enough to handle other types of knots.

2. Visibility test: Fishing lines come in different colors and varying degrees of visibility. The choice of color is subjective and depends on the angler’s preference, but when testing the visibility aspect, take the fishing line to different lighting conditions like bright sunlight, shadows, and cloudy conditions. If the line is highly visible under any lighting condition, it could target more fish than a less visible line.

3. Abrasion test: Abrasion resistance is essential when fishing in rough waters or snags. In this test, you can pinch the fishing line together with your fingers twice. If there are no frays or tears, the line’s abrasion resistance is good. However, if the line breaks or wears down after pinching twice, it’s a weak and low-quality line.

4. Stretch test: The ideal fishing line must have some elasticity but not too much. To test the stretch of the line, hold both ends of the string and pull with some force. If the line stretches too much, it means that it would be less sensitive to fish bites and take more time to set the hook. However, a highly stiff fishing line can scare baitfish away.

5. Tangle and memory test: Some fishing lines are prone to tangling, which can ruin your fishing experience. To check this, spool off some of your line and let it dangle. If it tangles too much, it means that the line has high memory, which causes it to curl and wrap around itself easily. A good quality line, on the other hand, is less prone to tangling and has more resistance to memory.

Finding the right fishing line for your fishing trips is not only essential for your fishing success but also for preventing unnecessary breakage, tangling, and frustration. Therefore, take the time to test your fishing line before heading out to ensure it’s of good quality, durable, and able to withstand bites from various fish species.

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