Should one rinse their reel?

Boating and fishing enthusiasts are often on the lookout for the best ways to maintain their gear. One question that frequently arises is whether or not to rinse a fishing reel with fresh water after use. Some anglers might see it as an essential step in keeping their gear in tip-top shape, while others may not even consider it. So, do you need to rinse your fishing reel after every use? Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Rinsing Your Reel

One of the main benefits of rinsing your reel with fresh water is that it can help to remove any dirt, sand or other impurities that might have accumulated during use. Over time, these particles can build up and cause damage to the internal components of your reel, resulting in decreased performance and shorter lifespan. Additionally, rinsing your reel can help to prevent corrosion and extend the life of your fishing line.

Another advantage of rinsing your reel is that it can improve its appearance. Fishing gear that’s covered in salt or sand can look unsightly, and regular rinsing can help to keep your gear looking shiny and new. This is particularly important for anglers who place a high value on the appearance of their gear.

Disadvantages of Rinsing Your Reel

One of the potential downsides of rinsing your reel is that it can sometimes lead to problems with the reel’s internal components. If water penetrates the reel’s housing, it can cause rust or corrosion on the internal parts of the reel. Additionally, if water gets into the drag system or the gears, it can cause these components to malfunction.

Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re rinsing your reel correctly and not leaving it to soak in water for an extended period of time. A brief rinse with fresh water followed by thorough drying is the best approach.

In general, it’s a good idea to rinse your reel with fresh water after a day of fishing. Doing so can help to remove any dirt or debris that might have accumulated on the surface of your reel and prolong its life. However, it’s crucial to take care when rinsing your reel to avoid causing damage to its internal components. If you’re unsure of how to properly clean your reel, it’s best to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or speak with a seasoned angler. With proper care, your fishing reel can provide you with many years of reliable service.

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