What can damage fishing line?

Fishing is a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor activity that is loved by many. However, it can also be frustrating when the fishing line gets damaged and snaps. Damaged fishing lines can cause a loss of the fish you were hoping to catch, or worse, cause harm to marine life. Understanding what can damage your fishing line can help you prevent it from happening and protect the environment.

Here are some of the common causes of fishing line damage:

1. UV Rays:

One of the significant causes of fishing line damage is prolonged exposure to the sun. UV rays can weaken the line over time, causing it to break more easily. To prevent this type of damage, keep your fishing line away from direct sunlight when not in use. Additionally, store the fishing line in a cool, dark place to avoid exposure to the sun.

2. Knots:

Using improper knots is another way that fishing lines can get damaged. Knots that are too tight or not tied correctly can weaken the line and cause it to break. Ensure that you use the right type of knot for the fishing line you are using, and always practice tying the knot correctly. Tight knots can cause stress on the line, which can also make it more susceptible to snapping.

3. Abrasion:

Fishing lines come into contact with various objects during fishing. Rocks, weeds, and other obstacles can cause abrasion to the line’s surface, weakening it and causing it to snap. When fishing in areas with rough bottoms, it is advisable to use a heavier line or a braided fishing line that is more resistant to abrasion.

4. Age:

Just like any other material, fishing lines have a finite lifespan. Over time, the line can weaken, and its tensile strength can diminish, leading to breakage when under stress. While there is no set timeline for changing your fishing line, it’s a good idea to inspect it frequently for signs of wear and replace it at least once every two years.

5. Overloading:

Overloading your fishing line causes it to break more easily. Fishing lines have weight capacities, and exceeding this can cause undue stress and weaken the line. Ensure that you use the right line weight for your fishing rod and always check the maximum weight capacity of your fishing line.


Fishing is an enjoyable activity that can become a nightmare if your line snaps or is damaged. Understanding what can cause fishing line damage and taking steps to prevent it can save you time and money while also protecting the environment. Your fishing line is an essential tool for successful fishing, so it’s essential to take good care of it to enjoy many fruitful days on the water.

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