What is the method to start an outboard motor without utilizing the choke?

Starting an outboard motor without the choke is not as difficult as it may seem. While many boat owners rely on the choke to start their motor, there are a few other methods that can be used to start the motor without the choke, and these methods are equally effective.

The first method to start an outboard motor without the choke is to use the “slow prime” method. This method requires that you crank the engine slowly with the throttle fully closed. Once the motor starts to fire, open the throttle slowly until the motor comes to life. This method works best with outboard motors that have been sitting for an extended period, as it allows the fuel to slowly circulate into the carburetor.

Another method to start an outboard motor without the choke is to use the “hot start” method. This method is used when the motor is already warm, and the choke is not needed to start the engine. To start the motor using the hot start method, push the throttle forward, and turn the key to start the motor. Once the motor starts to fire, release the throttle.

A third method to start an outboard motor without the choke is to use the “full throttle” method. This method is used when the motor is fully warmed up, and the choke is not needed to start the engine. To start the motor using the full throttle method, push the throttle all the way forward, and turn the key to start the motor.

Overall, starting an outboard motor without the choke is easy when you know the right method to use. Whether you need to start the motor after an extended period of inactivity or you simply want to avoid using the choke, these methods are sure to get your motor up and running in no time. If you’re ever in doubt, refer back to your outboard motor’s user manual to see which method works best for your particular engine.

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