What is the proper technique to thread a new fishing line?

Boating enthusiasts who love to fish know that one of the essential items in their tackle box is a good fishing line. However, there comes a time when the old line has to be replaced to ensure a better bite rate and avoid snags. Threading a new fishing line may seem like a straightforward task, but it requires a particular technique to ensure that the line remains tight and straight, and the knots do not fail.

Here is a step-by-step guide on the proper technique to thread a new fishing line:

Step 1: Choose the Right Line

The first step is to choose the right fishing line. Depending on the type of fish you’re targeting, you may need a specific type of line. Consider factors like line strength, abrasion resistance, and the thickness of the line. It’s also essential to choose the right line length so that you don’t end up with a tangled mess during casting.

Step 2: Prepare the Reel

Before threading the line, you must prepare the reel by opening up the bail arm, which is the small metal arm that helps to guide the line onto the spool. Make sure the drag is set to zero, and the spool is clean. It’s also a good idea to lubricate the spool with a fishing reel oil to prevent friction.

Step 3: Tie a Knot to the Spool

The next step is to tie a knot to the spool. Start by threading the end of the line through the tiny hole on the spool, then tie an arbor knot by looping the line over itself and the spool, and then tie an overhand knot. Pull the knot tight to ensure it’s secure.

Step 4: Wind the Line onto the Spool

Once the knot is secure, you can begin winding the line onto the spool. Hold the line tight with your fingers as you start to turn the reel handle, making sure the line is spooling evenly and tightly onto the reel. It’s best to fill the spool up with the line until it’s about 1/8″ from the edge.

Step 5: Tie a Knot on the End of the Line

Once the line is spooled onto the reel, tie a knot on the end of the line. The type of knot you use depends on your preference, but the most common knot used in fishing is the improved clinch knot. Make sure the knot is tight and secure.

Step 6: Test the Line

After you’ve tied the knot, it’s a good idea to test the line by pulling it gently, making sure the knot and line hold up. If the line breaks or the knot fails, you’ll need to re-thread the line and try again.

Threading a new fishing line may seem like a simple task, but it requires attention to detail to ensure the line remains tight and straight. With the proper technique, you’ll be able to enjoy a successful fishing trip with fewer tangles and snags.

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