Who purchased Ebbtide boats?

Ebbtide boats are a popular brand of recreational boats that have been around since the 1960s. The company has a long history of producing high-quality boats, and they have a loyal following of boaters who appreciate their craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Recently, it was announced that Ebbtide boats had been purchased by a new ownership group. The news was met with a mix of excitement and curiosity from the boating community, as many wondered who the new owners were and what their plans for the brand would be.

After some digging, it was discovered that the new owners of Ebbtide boats are a private equity firm based in Indiana called Gemini Investors. Gemini Investors is known for investing in small to medium-sized businesses and helping them to grow and reach their full potential.

The acquisition of Ebbtide boats fits well within Gemini’s investment strategy, as the company has a strong track record of success and a loyal customer base. The new owners have promised to maintain the brand’s focus on quality, craftsmanship, and customer service, while also working to expand the business and explore new opportunities.

One of the first steps that Gemini is taking to expand the Ebbtide brand is by introducing new models that cater to different types of boaters. In addition to their traditional line of recreational boats, they are also exploring the possibility of offering fishing boats and pontoons.

The new owners are also investing in technology and innovation, with plans to incorporate new features and designs into future models. This commitment to staying at the forefront of boating technology is exciting news for Ebbtide fans, who can look forward to even better boats in the years to come.

Overall, the purchase of Ebbtide boats by Gemini Investors is a positive development for the brand and its fans. With a strong owner committed to growth and innovation, Ebbtide is poised to continue its tradition of excellence and deliver even more amazing boats to the market.

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