Why is monofilament fishing line harmful?

Monofilament fishing line, also known as “mono,” is a popular choice among many anglers due to its strength and durability. However, what many people don’t realize is that this type of fishing line can be extremely harmful to both marine life and the environment.

First and foremost, monofilament line is not biodegradable. This means that when discarded improperly, it can take hundreds of years to decompose. As a result, it can easily become entangled in marine life, causing injury or death.

Marine mammals such as sea lions, dolphins, and whales are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of monofilament fishing line. They can become entangled in the line and become seriously injured or even drown. Additionally, birds such as seagulls can become tangled in the line and are at risk of injury or death as well.

Furthermore, monofilament line can also become an aquatic hazard. It can easily become tangled in propellers of boats, causing damage and even accidents in the waterways. In some cases, monofilament line can also become entangled in boat engines, leading to costly repairs.

To make matters worse, monofilament line is often discarded improperly by anglers. Instead of disposing of it in a trash receptacle, it is often thrown on the ground or left on piers and boats, where it can easily find its way into the water.

Monofilament fishing line is harmful to marine life and the environment. Anglers must take responsibility for their use and disposal of fishing line, to prevent unnecessary harm to the ocean and its inhabitants. By choosing responsible fishing practices and properly disposing of fishing line, we can all help protect our oceans and the creatures that call it home.

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